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NAUTICA CBC – promo movie

NAUTICA CBC – promo movie

The NAUTICA CBC project is a cross-border cooperation between Croatia and Montenegro that aims to improve the nautical tourism in the region. The project outputs are a new joint mobile application, NAUTICA CBC, and the successful training of 60 individuals from HR and MNE in quality assurance for nautical tourism. The lead partner for this project is the University of Zagreb Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, with additional partners including the University of Montenegro Faculty of Maritime Studies Kotor, the Split and Dalmatia County Port Authority, and the Tourism Organisation of Kotor.

The main objective of NAUTICA CBC is to enhance the cross-border tourism in the region by developing new facilities and infrastructure, providing education and training to relevant stakeholders, and creating a unique joint nautical tourist offer through promotion and marketing. Additionally, the project also aims to improve the quality of facilities and services in the area by providing constant training and skills development.

The NAUTICA CBC project is an innovative initiative that will help strengthen and diversify the cross-border tourism offerings in the region. With its focus on education, quality assurance, and new infrastructure, the project has the potential to make the area a top destination for nautical tourism.